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Haunted Lincolnshire

Fancy doing you own paranormal investigations in Lincolnshire? The county is rich in history, folklore and spooky goings-on so grab your torch and start investigating haunted Lincolnshire!

Gainsborough Old Hall

Ghosts: The Old Grey Lady

Dressed in Tudor clothes, the Old Grey Lady is believed to walk the corridors of the Gainsborough Old Hall. It is said that she is the spirit of the daughter of a previous Lord of the Manor, who died of a broken heart after her father stopped her from marrying a poor soldier with whom she had fallen in love.

The Green Dragon, Lincoln

Ghosts: The Smoking Ghost

The spirit of Mary Cooper is said to haunt the Green Dragon in Lincoln city centre. She is usually seen smoking a clay pipe and wears 18th century clothes. It is said that she used to work in the public house and appears at regular intervals to move furniture and rearrange the kitchen equipment.

Doddington Hall

Ghosts: The Falling Girl and The Brown Lady

On certain nights, visitors have reported seeing a young woman fall screaming from the roof of Doddington Hall. The story goes that she was a young servant trying to allude the advances of her amorous employer, but lost her footing as she tried to escape via the roof.

You may also see The Brown Lady at Doddington Hall if you are newly married. It is said she visits new brides when they are alone to give her blessing. She wears a long brown dress and is said to give a feeling of peace and calm to those who see her.

Lincoln Cathedral

Ghosts: Constance, Holy Man and Ghostly Procession

Lincoln city centre has its fair share of ghosts but the Cathedral has some of the most memorable and prolific. In the 1960s, a woman named Constance leapt from one of the Cathedral’s towers to her death and some nights you can see her re-enacting that fateful event.

There is also a 17th century holy man walking the halls of Lincoln Cathedral who climbs the steps leading into the building, perhaps to join the ghostly procession of monks that some people have also reported seeing.

Rauceby Hospital

Ghosts: Bert, the Maid and the Faceless Man

A chap named Bert is said to haunt the top floor of Rauceby Hospital’s admissions unit, once the site of the Kesteven County Asylum, along with a young maid. Within the hospital there is rumoured to be another spirit which has no facial features and makes a disturbing groaning noise before vanishing into the darkness.

The Vine Hotel

Ghosts: Customs and Excise Officer

Hearing about the ghost of a customs and excise officer walking the halls of a hotel might not seem very scary at first – that is, until you hear about how he died. The story goes that when the Vine Hotel underwent renovations in 1902, they found the 150-year-old skeleton of the poor official bricked up within the building’s walls.

Ayscoughfee Hall

Ghosts: Woman In The Cream Dress

People visiting Aycoughfee Hall have reported seeing a woman wearing a cream dress with blue flowers looking out of one of the windows who then vanishes. These reported sightings have been made as recently as 2006 and staff who work there still report various ghostly goings-on on a regular basis.

Fillingham Castle

Ghosts: The Green Lady

Within the castle there is said to be the ghost of a young woman in a green dress who killed herself after being abandoned by her lover. But she is not the only spirit haunting Fillingham Castle; there is also said to be a man on a pale horse who rides through the Castle grounds at night.

Thorpe Hall

Ghosts: Lady Donna Leonora Oviedo

When Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir John Bolle were captured by the Spanish in the 16th century, they were aided in their escape by a wealthy Spanish woman named Donna Leonora Oviedo. She fell in love with Sir John and when he returned to England, she followed. However, Sir John was happily married and in her despair, Lady Oviedo committed suicide in the gardens of Thorpe Hall.

RAF Binbrook

Ghosts: Clubfoot

The tragic tale behind this particular ghost is both harrowing and sad. It is said that an Australian armourer was injured by a careless pilot during WWII and tried to plant a bomb on a Lancaster bomber as an act of revenge. He failed and blew himself up instead. He is occasionally sighted limping forlornly around the base at Binbrook.